Basic questions an engineering students ask when they have backlog
Lots of engineering students ask me questions on Quora. Most of them are related to backlog/ATKT. There are few questions which are similar and asked every few days.So here is the list of 12 questions. So lets begin 1. What is backlog? lets say , in a semester you have 5 subjects. and you failed in 3 subjects. but still you will be promoted to next semester. but those failed subjects will also be included in that next semester. So you have 3 backlogs. we refer it as ATKT also. 2. How many backlogs counted if I failed in internal as well as external in the same subject? Well , I was from Mumbai University. Here internal and external both are counted separate for the same subject. So if you fail in internal and external in same subject then 2 ATKT will be counted. 3. Do engineers with backlogs/ATKTs get hired? YES..!! there are two ways, one is on campus and one is off campus. If it is about on campus then it depends on company to company. some companies allo...